Good afternoon CCCEOPSA!
The 2024-2025 cohort of the NDJP is designed to increase the self-efficacy of new EOPS/CARE/NextUp directors and coordinators in program management, development, implementation, and advocacy in a supported learning community. Twenty (20) slots are available for new (three years or less) directors, assistant directors, and faculty coordinators who oversee the day-to-day operations of EOPS/CARE/NextUp. The experience kicks off at the fall conference, running October 2024 - June 2025, and includes:
Monthly meeting with an experienced EOPS/CARE/NextUp Jegna
Sankofa Praxis Jegnaship Training (November)
Trainings on various topics of interest (December, February, March, April, May)
Mid-Experience Check-In with NDJP coordinators.
Closing Celebration (June)
Please reserve your slot no later than Friday, August 30th. Email:
Danita Scott
NDMP Coordinator
We look forward to building community with you!