Region X

My name is Devon Phillips and I am a full-time student at Mira Costa College also a student in the EOPS program. When I started at Mira Costa I was uncertain what I really wanted to do as far as a career and what I wanted to major in. I knew I was very interested in the nursing program and becoming a registered nurse, after taking a lot of classes that had nothing to do with my interest or career path. I was introduced to the EOPS program. I attended a workshop to become a part of it and ever since I have been a part of the program. I can honestly say that the EOPS program has made a great impact on my life personally and academically. My grades have improved greatly and I am on track towards my first Associates Degree and to become the first in my family to be able to graduate. Being able to check in with a counselor every semester with your progress report, gives you a clear one on one with a counselor who will indeed give you the best educational plan to benefit your college studies and career. My goal is to acquire an Associates Degree and transfer to Cal State San Marcos or West Coast University to then acquire my Bachelor Science in Nursing. I can personally say that the EOPS program counselors and staff members have been a contributing factor to my life and my current success here at Mira Costa College. I remember last semester i wanted to quit college because of personal reasons and i spoke to Mr. Burns about it and he encouraged me not to quit or give in to my struggles. I really wanted to quit but, i was offered resources from the EOPS program to help me.
I was released from Incarceration in 2015 after serving a 1O year sentence for some of my old friend’s mistakes and the simple fact that i was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I had planned years before my release that i would start to attend college from behind bars, i completed several courses incarcerated through Fresno Pacific University and i continued that path here at Mira Costa College.
Every day in my life I face rejection from jobs because of what they see on paper and not the actual person who is working hard every day to be successful and complete my studies. It's very hard many days to accept that this is my reality unless I do something about it and be productive and out work anyone placed in front of me. I have struggles financially and i do hope one day it will be over but, this scholarship will allow me to get closer to my goals and dreams of becoming a nurse. It will help me to be able to buy a laptop computer for my studies and continue my path. I would be grateful for the consideration if granted this scholarship. Thank you for your time and consideration.